Navigate to imbibe the Charm of 'Sonar Bangla'...

West Bengal, also known as 'Sonar Bangla' (Golden Bengal), is an Indian State diverse with different cultural and ethnic groups. Nestled against the eastern part of the legendary nation, West Bengal has a lot to offer for travel-buffs. Enter this site to traverse this wonderful land.

‘Gateway to the East’, commercial hub of India’s eastern region, West Bengal is a land steeped in history, heritage and visual delights. There is much to see and do here. Kolkata is regarded as one of the most intriguing cities of the world. Music and theatre. Historic buildings and interesting side streets. And great people. A city with a soul.

West Bengal is a state in eastern India. With Bangladesh, which lies on its eastern border, the state forms the ethno-linguistic region of Bengal. To its northeast lie the states of Assam and Sikkim and the country Bhutan, and to its southwest, the state of Orissa. To the west it borders the states of Jharkhand and Bihar, and to the northwest, Nepal.

North of Kolkata is the Eastern Himalayas and the sub-Himalayan Dooars. Snow-clad mountains, rolling hills, lush tea gardens and dense forests. All ideal locations for trekking, wildlife adventure or to relax. The Ganga, India’s most revered river, flows through the plains. From Murshidabad, through Kolkata to the Bay of Bengal, the Gangetic plains abide rich in Hindu/Buddhist-Mughal-British history. Explore temples, heritage sites or take a pleasure trip sailing down the river.

To the south is Sunderbans Wildlife Sanctuary. A designated World Heritage site. It has one of the largest tiger populations, amongst the Indian parks. An agriculture-dependent state, West Bengal occupies only 2.7% of the India's land area, though it supports over 7.8% of the Indian population, and is the most densely populated state in India.[1] West Bengal has been ruled by the CPI(M)-led Left Front for three decades, making it the world's longest-running democratically elected communist government. Since the late 1990s, the state has seen a resurgence in its economy after decades of stagnation.

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